Meet us Backstage
The Show On The Road is a collaboration between Z.Lupetin and the passionate music lovers at the Bluegrass Situation.
Episodes are taped wherever the road takes us; we've recorded backstage at festivals, in empty bars, in tour buses, and many places in between.
It's our goal to spotlight and celebrate a broad continuum of songwriting and musical traditions - from groovy pop-rock to twangy country to lush indie-folk; if audiences are singing along, we know there's a troubadour with a story to tell.

Z. Lupetin / On The Mic
Z. Lupetin is a songwriter, playwright, podcaster, and the founding member of folk-rock adventurers Dustbowl Revival. Since coming together via a hopeful California Craigslist ad, Dustbowl has played in over ten countries and produced seven beloved albums. The group's latest, “Is It You, Is It Me,” appeared in the top 20 of the alternative sales charts and enjoyed features in Rolling Stone and Billboard.
Lupetin began his music discovery podcast The Show On The Road in 2018. The show aims to introduce incredible artists to new audiences, and focuses on giving fans a sense of what it's really like to tour the world and play music 200 + days a year.
Chris Jacobs / Production
Chris Jacobs is an acclaimed television and podcast producer. A seasoned media veteran, Jacobs has developed hundreds of hours of audio content related to music, food, art-making, and culture. Some career highlights include the Emmy-winning series HITRECORD ON TV with Joseph-Gordon Levitt, The Shift List Podcast, and The BGS Radio Hour on NPR.